Serves 8
Total Time: 1 hour
1 pound fresh spinach
6 garlic cloves
3 1/2 tablespoons olive oil
3 tablespoons freshly grated Parmesan cheese
2 lemons, cut in half
8 medium artichokes
1cup young carrots cut into thin slices
1cup medium white onion cut into thin slices
1cup leek, white only, split and thinly sliced
2 bay leaves
2 sprigs of fresh thyme
1 1/2cup dry white wine
10 basil leaves, finely minced
4 tablespoons parsley, finely minced
2medium tomatoes, peeled, seeded, and diced
1/4 inch salt and freshly ground pepper
*Available at French Market.
- In a large saute pan, add one tablespoon of the olive cook over medium heat and cook the spinach with one clove of the garlic, peeled and slightly crushed, salt and pepper to taste, until the spinach is tender and the liquid has evaporated (about 5 minutes). Sprinkle with the Parmesan cheese and stir well. Transfer the spinach to a plate and set aside.
- Have a bowl of water ready, mixed with the juice of one lemon. Break off two rows of the largest leaves from the stem. Using a peeler trim away all the hard green skin on the stem. As you finish trimming, rub each artichoke with half of a lemon to keep the hearts from darkening. With a spoon, scoop out the hairy choke. Place the artichoke bottom in the lemon water.
- Heat the remaining olive oil in a casserole over medium heat. Sweat the carrot, onion, leek (without coloring) for about 6 or 7 minutes.
- Arrange the artichokes in the casserole. Add the bay leaves, thyme, 3 garlic cloves (lightly crushed), salt and pepper. Add the white wine and cook over medium heat for about 20 to 25 minutes or until the hearts are cooked (when you can pierce them with point of a knife).
- Meanwhile finely mince the remaining garlic cloves and mix it with the parsley and basil. Once the artichokes are cooked, carefully transfer them to a warm serving platter, fill them with the spinach mix ,and cover up with aluminum foil to keep them hot.
- Reduce the cooking liquid to 1 cup approximately. Stir in the tomatoes, herbs, and garlic-herb mixture, taste for seasoning. Gently spoon the broth and the vegetables on to the artichoke hearts. Serve hot.